Burberry Dress or Shirt
      Burberry Dress or ShirtBurberry Dress or ShirtBurberry Dress or ShirtBurberry Dress or ShirtBurberry Dress or ShirtBurberry Dress or ShirtBurberry Dress or Shirt

Burberry Dress or Shirt

$ 150.00
Item id: 815
Availability: in stock

Burberry Dress or Shirt

Burberry dress
18 months
Around 16 inches in length
Can be worn as a dress air shirt with leggings
Has (2) pin holes in back and some piling to upper area Burberry Dress or ShirtBurberry Dress or ShirtBurberry Dress or ShirtBurberry Dress or ShirtBurberry Dress or ShirtBurberry Dress or ShirtBurberry Dress or Shirt
Girls dresses
Girls 0-24 mos